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【留學申請指南】加拿大頂尖名校-多倫多大學要什麼樣的學生(加拿大排名TOP1/全球排名TOP19 )?

U of Toronto.jpg
U of Toronto學校代表Sagebelle Wu 與資深顧問Vivien


感謝 加拿大名校U of Toronto學校代表Sagebelle Wu 來台行程中,特地訪問富蘭克林國際教育機構,資深顧問Vivien特別為大家詢問U of Toronto偏好什麼樣的學生,如何才能成為世界名校生的一員呢?



For undergraduate studies, the University of Toronto generally will look primarily at the applicant’s academic achievements. If a student’s academics do not meet the admission requirements, it is unlikely that they will be accepted. For students that meet the academic requirements, certain departments such as Engineering, Architecture and Rotman Commerce will require an additional supplemental application due to the high level of competition in those areas.  


2. 什麼樣的學生特質是多倫多大學找尋、偏好的

The University of Toronto generally accepts students who have an excellent academic history. Departments such as Engineering, Architecture, and Rotman Commerce that require supplemental applications are also looking for well-rounded students with extracurricular experience.


3. 學校是否提供國際學生獎學金,申請標準? 

More information on scholarships can be found here:


4. 沒有工作經驗申請碩士的錄取可能性? 

There may be a possibility, but it entirely depends on the faculty and program the student is applying for, and is up to the discretion of the admissions office.

總結以上要點,U of Toronto非常重視國際學生的GPA,各科系要求的GPA分數需達到外,在校成績也需保持穩定良好,不可大起大落。此外熱門科系如Engineering, Architecture, and Rotman Commerce,除了達到學校的申請要求( Entry requirements )外,更必需有積極的課外活動表現,才能獲得名校評審的青睞。


恭喜代辦生WU, T. 同學錄取多倫多大學 U of Toronto
