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Thanks for the Scholarship !

Harris Tsai
國立虎尾科技大學 機械設計工程系
美國Northeastern University 專案管理碩士班
2012 秋季班



GPA: 2.57

Before I was studying board, I have known Northeastern University. I knew this school has terrific and professional faculties. I believe that they have abundant knowledge and experiences to teach us. Moreover, NEU’s location is in Boston, which is a metropolis and traffic convenience. For example, in USA, whatever people go to there, they must have a vehicle; otherwise, individuals almost cannot go.

Firstly, I choose Franklin International Education Group as an study abroad agent due to experience and progressive. Vivien has experience for dealing students studying as long as 15 years. When I have difficult, she knows how to handle situations; also, she solve my questions immediately. Therefore, I deeply believe Vivien who is excellent agent for studying board.

Thanks to have this scholarship, I have enough money come to here. Although my parents supported studying, it is not to say that they have enough money can maintain their life. My parents’ job are workers, they earn money just supporting our family in a month. They give us the best life condition and supporting us studying possibly. Just as their life is ascetic, so they have hard until now. Therefore, if I did not have this scholarship, I couldn’t study to Northeastern University.