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【美國】堪薩斯衛斯理大學 Kansas Wesleyan University 一年制MBA專班

影片來源: Youtube

1886年成立至今,已有百年校史之教會名校(基督教浸信會),在堪薩斯州當地享有盛名,美國教育協會(ACE)及中華民國教育部所正式承認之大學,全美排名為地區性第三級綜合大學。本校經常舉辦多種熱門運動賽事,如籃球、足球、高爾夫球等,在其所推出的MBA企業管理碩士學位中,還可申請主修運動管理(Sports Management),即不難看出其對體育活動之重視。此外,社團活動亦是多彩多姿,學生可自由參加學術研討、樂團表演、學生會組織等。

校區位在美國中心位置─堪薩斯州Salina市,主要居民為美國白人,市區人口約5萬人。學校地址:100 E. Claflin Salina, KS 67401 USA



成員:師生比約為14:1, 全校學生約千人,一半以上的教職員擁有美國名校的博士學位。採小班制教學,每班人數約25人,師生互動良好。國際學生與美國當地學生一起上課(70%為堪薩斯州學生,25%來自美國西南和中西各州,5%來自世界各國)

一年或一年半內可拿到MBA碩士,學生均經過嚴格的資格審核後入學,主要是美國人,故不用擔心英文能力難以進步,並可同時與其他國際學生交流,培養國際觀,同時提供校外參觀機會:飛利浦、波音飛機、Tony’s Pizza、Sthwan Frozen & Food等知名大廠。如此赴美攻讀MBA學位時,不用擔心跟不上其他同學的進度,並且節省到國外念昂貴語校課程的花費,同時能繼續安心上班,直到出發前往美國。

大學畢業獲有學士學位者(收基督書院學生)TOEFL iBT 79分/GPA 2.75 以上或通過KWU入學考試


課程內容 (學生需完成10堂課 30學分)
BUSA570: Marketing & Strategic Planning 行銷企劃
This course uses an analytical approach to study of marketing problems, qualitative and quantitative, of business firms and other types of organizations; examination of objectives, goals, and missions in strategic planning; computerized marketing models of analysis.

BUSA545: Human Resource Development 人力資源
This course covers the theory and application of program planning with emphasis on employee/executive development, and personnel policy; it studies trend analysis of employment practice in business and review of relevant literature.

BUSA555: Behavior in the Workplace 職場行為
This course examines social problems in legal and business contexts; analyzes leadership facilitation of self-awareness and wellness in the workplace; applies psychological principles to group dynamics, personnel, human engineering, and humanistic-oriented value system.

BUSA560: Leadership & Business Ethics 領導力與商業道德
This course provides consideration of ethical and social responsibility of business leaders; examination of executive values in establishing corporate strategy; theoretical and applied ethics.

BUSA605: Statistical Analysis for Business 商業統計This course studies information selection and use; development of analytical techniques essential to effective solution of problems involving risk and uncertainty; operations research in solving business problems and decision-making; review of descriptive and inferential statistics.

BUSA630: Accounting for Decision & Control 管理會計
This course emphasizes a discussion of the internal accounting processes and information used by management for planning, evaluation, control, and decision-making within an organization.

BUSA550: Dynamics of Professional Communication 專業溝通
This course analyzes communication systems within the enterprise structure; it examines the managerial aspects of self-awareness and wellness in the workplace; applies psychological principles to group dynamics, personnel, human engineering, and humanistic-oriented value system.

BUSA622: Managerial & Financial Administrative Operations 財務管理
This course studies management styles, models, and managerial control decisions undertaken by the firm within the institutional environment; analyzes economic flexibility, risk, capital structures, cost of capital within the dynamic financial and economic environment.

BUSA585: Cross-Cultural Business 跨文化商業活動

COMP634: Management Information Systems 資訊系統管理
This course concentrates on sampling theory and applications, survey sampling techniques, spatial statistics, inferential statistics, strategy development and optimization; analysis of informational cases within the business organization.






2012-10-29 11:53:22