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【留學申請指南】國外大學申請 面試要訣(面試機經)


1. Work experience

2. Why MBA

3. Why our school

4. How you market yourself to find an internship

5. Leadership experience

6. Future


一般會先談論履歷表上經驗以及關於你( talk about yourself),再進入六大主題


Work experience

1. What did you learn in your first company?

2. Why did you resign your job?

3. What’s the typical day for your second job?

4. What do you like about your current job?

5. What do you dislike about your current job?

6. What’s the responsibility in your current position? Example a case of this responsibility and how you can represent your capability?

7. What’s the big challenge in your career?

8. Please tell me a story about group co-operation in your job.

9. Conflict in a team. How to deal with it?



1. Why do you choose MBA now?

2. Why MBA, why not marketing?

3. How did you search for MBAs?

4. Since you're interested in marketing, please tell me about "Starbucks Coffee" in Taiwan. What challenge will Starbucks face in the future and how to deal with?


Why our school

1. Why did you choose our school?

2. What can the program do for you?

3. Which club do you want to join?

4. If you got accepted, what do you want to get from our school?

5. If you got accepted to all the schools you applied, what are the three standards you will use to choose your MBA program?


How you market yourself to find an internship

1. If you could meet someone who's dead, which one would you like to meet?

2.Where would you like to do intern? Why?


Leadership experience

1. How will you recommend me to see a movie that you've seen?

2. What's the difference between a "good" leader and a "great" leader?

3. Contribution to the community.

4. Weakness, especially in a team.



1. What kind of job would you like to do in your country after finish study?

2. What’re your Short-term and long-term goals?
